Teresa Goodman

Teresa Goodman

Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Parent, Family, and Community Engagement

After viewing the life stories presented in the media segments, I am reminded how important the early stages of develop are and the important role adults we play. Almeta Richards describes her journey from Head Start to where she is now in life. As I listened to her story it reminded me of myself. Not knowing my role in life thinking one thing but only to realize I had plenty to offer and give. Her professional views were just as significant. She knew and understood that the change would begin with her.

She goes on to explain why parent involvement is important. Head Start is about empowering families. There is so much information available that families can utilize to become self-sufficient. Meaning they have the power to become strong vital part of their community as well as being a part of their child’s continued development. Parental involvements give parents the opportunity to give back and be the next in line to make a difference for the future. Head Start has all the tool necessary and available to prepare parents for their children’s and others to come for a successful educational career.

Parental involvement is critical to a child’s development especially in the early years. It not only benefits the children but it also provides opportunities for parents and family as well. Almeta is prove of these benefits. She stated out as a Head Start mom, working her way up to being a program direct and now being able to share her success with others on a local and national level. Hearing this story was truly an inspiration to me. It only deepened my desire to serve, work, and be an advocate for young children and their families.


Monday, May 16, 2016

Quality Programs for All Children

Over the next five years I hope public opinion will have a huge impact on the educational system. First, the public needs to know and understand why public opinion is important. Educating the public on current issues is critical. It’s easy to give a survey and ask people to answer questions but not really knowing the meaning related to the questions being ask. People have to be aware of the issues before we can ask their opinion. Encouraging other to become more involved in the process opens the door for positive change. As we begin to encourage others and they become more involved and began to understand the issues, our influence opens the door to them voicing their opinions. We have so many issues that will affect the educational system but we’re mainly looking at issues that children and their families may face and not the issues of those who work closely with our children. These issues also affect the healthy development of our children. Public opinion can be a major tool that will help us change how we chose our educators. Passing a certification test just like requiring students to take standardized test is not the answer. You have many that may qualify because they have book knowledge but will they possess the human characteristics that are needed to ensure that all children are safe and in an environment that is centered around their needs. Public opinion will can have a profound impact on the educational system. So many efforts have been put in place to limit voicing our concerns, but the public has many opportunities to voice theirs. If we continue to encourage and educate the public on important issues our efforts are not in vain. The opportunities are there we have to get the public to take advantage of them.

Sunday, May 8, 2016

Blog Assignment: What Resonates With You About Early Childhood Public Policy and Advocacy?

Why did you choose this specialization?

As I have studied early childhood education and being a parent there are so many things that spark my interest. Growing up I always knew working with children was what I wanted to do. When I became an adult the desire turned into a passion. As a parent I have had the experience of both regular education and special education. I have always believed that every child deserves the best education they can receive.

Why are advocates essential in the early childhood field?

I have already completed my masters in early childhood studies Teaching and Diversity in Early Childhood Education and wanted to add this certificate program because I believe advocacy and public policy will allow me the opportunity to examine the early childhood field at each level and analyze policies that are set in place. I will also be able to be the voice that young children need to help ensure that these policies are in the best interest of the children.

Advocacy is an important role, especially in the early childhood field because we are the voice of reason for those who can’t speak for themselves. Becoming skilled in this area increases my chances of being more effective in my efforts to create a learning environment that is centered around the individual needs of each child. Every Educator in this field must be skilled advocates in order to have a positive effect on change. This is a great opportunity for me to gain the necessary knowledge, skills, and tools I will need to be the best advocate and influence on changing policies.

What do you hope to learn about public policy and advocacy?

My first goal is to learn as much as I can about public policy and advocacy. Second I want to engage with other professionals in the field so that we can share what we have learned and use this knowledge to serve young children, their families, and the profession. Third I want to ensure that every child has access to an education that is based on their individual need so that they all become successful adults.